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    Blog from Artist

    Steampunk Demetrios Cham

    Mockup of Demetrios Cham

    Portrait of Demetrios Cham, the steampunk chameleon

    In the world of art and fantasy there is hardly a figure as fascinating as Demetrios Cham.

    This steampunk chameleon combines the mystery of nature with the industrial aesthetic of a bygone era.

    A special kind of chameleon

    Demetrios Cham is not just any chameleon. With its mechanical details and the ability to adapt not only in color but also mechanically to its surroundings, it exemplifies the steampunk movement.
    Industrial elegance meets nature

    The combination of natural and industrial elements makes Demetrios unique. His scales appear to be made of bronze and copper, and his eyes sparkle like old clockwork.
    A symbol of adaptation and survival

    Just as real chameleons in nature adapt to their surroundings, Demirios adapts to the steampunk world in which he lives. It is a symbol of survival and evolution in an ever-changing world.
    Attention to detail in every respect

    If you look closely at Demetrios, you'll discover countless small details: gears that appear to move his joints, steam whistles that protrude from his back, and fine, metallic lines that form his unique pattern.
    An icon of the steampunk genre

    For lovers of the steampunk genre, Demetrios Cham is more than just a chameleon. He embodies the ideal fusion of nature and machine, of biology and technology.


    Demetrios Cham is a stunning example of the creativity and imagination found in the steampunk genre. This chameleon represents the perfect balance between the natural world and the industrial revolution, and his portrait is sure to captivate any viewer.

    Blog News

    Fine Artist Harri SpietzHarri Spietz

    One Man show, Paintings on Canvas, Digital Artwork, Home Interior Designs.
